Report Options

An explanation of fields and properties

Report Options

To access this dialog:

  • Using the Optimization ribbon, click Reports | Options.

Report options are Economic Model-specific for all report categories except MAO/MFO reports. This dialog is used to set the options for the Economic Model created in the currently active Economic Model case study.

Field Details:

Categories: list of report categories that you can configure; the list includes

  • Standard Report Template that applies to all standard reports unless it is overridden by more specific option set.

  • Reserve Report Template that applies to all reserve reports unless it is overridden by more specific option set.

  • All other reports categories: setting options for any particular report category overrides the template settings.

Item List: report items available for the selected category; most categories contain just 2 items, Scheduler has 4 items, MAO/MFO has 3 items. Only the selected items will be included in the reports.

More options: select an item and click this button to customize report fields.

Define range: for some report categories you can define report range; for example, start with pit 3 and end at pit 15.

Save/Load: Report options can take time to define. Once set they can be re-used between different Economic Model case studies and between different projects as long as they have the same rock type labels and processing method labels. You can use the Save and Load buttons to save and load one report file for each report category.

Reset to Template: reset the templates to original Studio NPVS settings, or reset other categories to the templates.


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